I rarely make a New Years Resolution. I have made a list of goals for the year in the past, and I liked that. So I'm going to try something similar this year, but with a twist. My goal was to come up with 52 "mini" goals/tasks and tackle one each week, but I was only able to come up with 47 :( I plan on printing this list, cutting each one out and placing them in a jar. I will draw one goal/task to complete for the week. There are a few things on this list that will be slightly dependent on weather/timing, so if those are drawn and can not be accomplished, I will redraw for that week.
Without any further ado, here is my list:
1. Walk the dogs each day for the week.
2. No soda for a week.
3. Take the kids to a new museum (one we have not been to before.)
4. Clean out the junk drawer.
5. Hand wash all of my hand-knit sweaters.
6. Drink 8 glasses of water each day for a week.
7. Bake something with the kids (they choose the recipe.)
8. Try a new recipe for diner.
9. Make an OB appointment (yuck - I'm dreading this one.)
10. Read (or at least start) a book on my list at the library.
11. No TV for a week. (This will be hard - just none for me, the rest of the family can watch.)
12. Smile at everyone for a week. (Or just smile more!)
13. No swearing for a week.
14. Clean the base boards.
15. Play board game with the kids every day for a week.
16. Bake something "from scratch."
17. Donate blood (or at least make the appointment.)
18. Give the dogs a bath.
19. Back up my computer files.
20. Clean out the fridge.
21. Defrost the downstairs chest freezer. (This would be best done in the winter.)
22. Go through shoes and trash/donate the ones I don't/can't wear.
23. Sort through my yarn stash and make sure Ravelry stash is accurate.
24. Give my hair a deep conditioning treatment.
25. Make 10 kids birthday cards.
26. Make 10 thank you cards.
27. Go through bookshelves (upstairs and living room); dust and donate.
28. Clean out my closet.
29. Work on only one knitting project (should be a WIP) for a week.
30. Print out all pictures from 2012 - present.
31. Scrap 5 layouts!
32. Clean laundry room.
33. Try one new veggie side dish.
34. Sort through boxes in the basement.
35. Make hot breakfast every day for a week.
36. Trim the trees!
37. Clean craft area - get rid of unused supplies.
38. Make a new cookie recipe.
39. Learn a new word each day for a week. (And try to use it at least one per day!)
40. No nail biting for a week! Use clear nail polish!!
41. Do a fancy manicure/pedicure. (This assumes my nails are not completely ragged. If so - just a pedicure.)
42. Do a full foot soak and scrub 3 times in one week.
43. Write a letter - by hand.
44. Read an auto-biography. (May take more than a week.)
45. Read a biography. (May take more than a week.)
46. Read a parenting book. (This will be done in Feb in conjunction with the PTO book read.)
47. Update all framed photos around the house. Some baby ones can stay :)
Now, the real test will be to see if I can stick to this for 47 weeks! (But since I only have 47, if we go on vacation, I will be allowed to take that week off.)