And last week, hubby and I came up with a PLAN. And if this job doesn't work out, I'm a perfectly content to go back to the PLAN. So I'm in a much better place this week - mentally at least :)
And I'm still on my rather selfish knitting streak. I started a Shalom cardigan with some modifications. I had some black Patons Classic Wool that I planned to use to make the Must Have Cardigan, but black and cables just didn't work for me. So this black yarn has decided to become a Shalom. (Minus the 2+ balls that were used for other things.)

This is a super quick knit. I started on Monday and I'm over 1/2 done! Since I might not have enough yarn, I decided to go ahead and knit the sleeves before I finish the body. That way I'll know exactly how much yarn I'll have for the body. If all else fails, I can always go and buy another ball at Michaels or Joanns.
As for my other projects, my Monkey socks are coming along. I finished the first (second) sock and frogged the original first sock knit in the Sunday Swing pattern. The second sock has been cast on, but I've only done a few rows of ribbing.
I've also got a new sock that I need to start soon. I'm test knitting a beautiful pattern for a designer on Ravelry. I'm not sure if I can share pictures, but since I haven't started it yet it's really not an issue. (I'll be sure to ask though, I can't wait to share!)
Knit on!