Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer knitting.... supposed to be for me! However, this summer I have found myself knitting lots of projects for my family. Not that I mind, but I have grand plans of all the fabulous new sweaters I will be wearing this fall and no time to knit them!

Recently Finished:
Fuzzy Feet for Kirk - I've made him several pairs of these, but they do wear out. Thankfully they are a fairly quick knit.
Haruni for me. I've knit three of these. Yes, I said three. I found a pattern I liked well enough to knit it three times! (One was for my mom, one for my MIL, and the latest one was for me.)
And a close up. (And dang - is red ever hard to photograph. It's really a nice deep red, not the crayon color that it looks like!)
On the Needles:
Cardigan set for Miss C. My daughter has entered the world of American Girl dolls (so help me God!) I picked up some Sport weight wool for very cheap, so I have embarked on matching cardigans for C and her doll in a lovely heathered pink. EEK!

My black lacy cardigan. I set this down for over a month because I was worried about the sleeves. I've made a few modifications and am now back on track. Sleeve #2 should be done today. I'm making pretty good headway on this one now.

And a pair of socks. I use this as my travel project. It's always nice to have a pair of socks on the needles! I've modified the pattern to be only the "loop" portion. I just didn't like the way the twisted stitch section looked.

And VERY neglected Bohus Sweater. This has been on the needles since February. It's a bottom up and the nearly 14 inches of plain stockinette is almost done. This got put down mostly because it's too hot to have a large wool sweater on my lap. (My sweater is gray for the main color and either white or purple and black for the contrasting colors.)

And all the things I still want to knit:
Fitted February Lady Sweater (in a lovely red)
Avocet (in a plum heather)
Helleborus Yoke Sweater (in the yarn Mom and Dad got me in Ireland)
Must Have Cardigan (in some City Tweed from Knit Picks)

So there you have a snapshot of my knitting, and summer is fading fast. I'd better get moving.

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